When we were first to come up with ideas for “simple” input/output projects, I felt like I couldn’t think of anything simple enough. (Now I’ve learned that even the simplest idea was more complex than I expected.) However, one project idea I came up with that I still think would be really fun to pursue was a kind of interactive chair. (I really like making chairs, apparently.) The idea goes something like this: A person sits in a chair, and then whenever another body walks in front of the chair, the chair makes a noise. The noises I’ve come with are a whistle (like a wert whirl), a fart, and a laughing sound. These are all noises that make the person walking by feel a little uncomfortable (are they laughing at me?) and/or stare at the person sitting in the chair (this person may also feel a little uncomfortable – yea, blame it on the chair). A motion sensor would be required to sense whenever a person walks in front of the chair. The motion sensor would be on a normally open circuit, and some kind of button would have to be built into the chair to close the circuit when a person is sitting on the chair, that way the chair won’t make noise when it is unoccupied. (Although, now that I think about it, a vacant chair making these noises could also be interesting… Hmm.)

This piece doesn’t directly relate to my project idea, but it’s pretty damn cool and is also an interactive chair:

Posted by Melissa